
Federal Laws
-Abolition of property in land and application of rents of land to public purpose.

-A 5% Graduated Income Tax.

-Abolition of all right of Inheritance.

-Confiscation of the Property of Emigrants and Rebels.

-The Banning of the use of Credit.

-Establishing central banking system that uses the Gold Standard by means of removing debt where ever.

-Factories, Manufacturing Industries, owned by the Private Sector with a common plan. In times of Economic crisis, The State will intervene.

-Free Education to all children. The Abolition of Child Factory Labor in its current form, combined with Education and Industrial Production.

-Centralization of Communications and Transport.


-Organized religion has been banned.

-No display of religion is allowed.

-Any religious terrorism of sorts will result in the immediate execution of anyone connected to it.

-Every citizen is to worship the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" and the "Invisible Pink Unicorn".


-States deemed hostile will be invaded on site.

-States helping states deemed hostile will be invaded as well.

-We shoot first, ask questions later.

-The General Secretary will be the negotiator for his country. No one speaks for him as he trust's only himself.


-Using terms such as "fag" and "dyke" are prohibited.

-Same Sex Marriages are legal. If you have a problem with it, don't marry the same sex.

-Free Health Care is granted by the government.

-Cannibalism is illegal.

-Drugs are Legal to an extent, depending on purpose and reason.

-Any criminal attacks in which a Women or Child is involved will result in immediate execution.

-Every person, every 5 years will take an Intelligence test to test their I.Q. If it is under the minimum IQ of 110, the person will be deported for their stupidity.

-It is mandatory for the people of Bryansk to see a therapist once a month.

-Not allowed to have sexual actions on city streets.

-No dog shall be walked in city streets without a leash.

-A father can not frighten a daughters boyfriend with a gun.

-Snoring is illegal unless all windows and doors are securely locked and sound proof.

-Watching Porno is Educational, Watch it.

-You must wear a condom, if you transmit whatever you have, you will be executed.

-A dead person is not required to serve on a jury.

-It is illegal to drive a car while sleeping.

-The penalty for jumping off a building is death.

-Destroying the alcoholic industry and anything associated with it is illegal.

-Citizens may not make offensive hand gestures at Government Motorcades.

-Anyone who unsuccessfully attempts a suicide faces the death penalty.

-People with STD's will be killed to stop spreading the viruses around.


-Schools are not allowed to give Homework. It is the teachers job to teach, not have the student teach him/her self.

-All children must start school at the age of 4. Any bad behavoir will be punished by way of a slapping stick.

-Childrens shows will be educational. "Hannah Montana", and other show related or of the same context has been banned.

-The school day shall be at a minimum length of 7 Hours and 20 minutes, divided into 8 "Periods" lasting 45 minutes each. The school will assign the student its classes into these periods, however, the school can only choose what classes for 7 of the 8 Periods. The student must choose a non-academic class for his or her self for the remaining period.


-Incandescent light bulbs are illegal.

-The usage of nuclear weapons for testing is limited to 10 tests per year.

-No Industrial Factory shall for any reason, under any circumstances, dump into the lakes and rivers of Bryansk.

-All factories, manufacturing industries, etc... must write out a report to the government on how much toxic crap they release.

-Federal Food Act requires that Food Manufactures spend at least 20% of their budget on keeping the place clean so the food is not contaminated, and that spraying Pesticides is harmful to the people who eat the food, as a result, using Pesticides in the Food Industry is banned.

-You must have a license to buy Pesticides.

-The Federal Fish Preservation Act mandates how much Fish can be fished, and also placing taxes on those who do fish before the limit is reached that is regulated by the General Secretary.

-The Mining Environmental Act is intended to insure that mining activity is conducted with sufficient protections of the Public and the Environment.

-The Toxic Substances Control Act gives the General Secretary the ability to regulate, control, the imports, and exports, taxes of Toxic Materials of anything.


-The minimum wage is 12 Roubles.

-The country uses the United Nations Alliance Currency in all international trades with allies.